


我的理解裏邊,漢奸這個詞已經失去原有的意義,僅是有些人用來定位那些和官方的聲音不同的人士的一種通稱。可是我國不是有56個民族的國家嗎?如果通 說漢奸,有些少數民族的異見人士就不樂意了,我都不是你們漢族,如何說漢奸,本身就是對他們的不尊重,而且也有大漢民族主義情緒。看來是某些人不夠理 解我黨對少數民族的關懷政策,當他們要拿帽子扣別人的時候怎能如此不尊重少數民族同胞的感受呢?因此,我設想對於被愛國者不容的人士,是藏族的叫藏 奸;蒙古族的叫蒙古奸;滿族的叫滿奸,以此類推。很幸運,中國沒有個叫強族的民族,否則某些人士會被叫強奸,別人還以為他是專門搞婦女工作的。我有個 少數民族朋友,傣族,立場大概也可以稱作某奸來著,有些人喜歡讀白字把讀成。當我告訴他這套高明的方案,他就不太樂意了,說什麼自己的男 人貨色俱全,居然可能被稱作太監(奸),可是我也很無奈,總不能叫你漢奸吧。當56個民族的名稱的字用替代之後,就會發現其中很熱 鬧,就會出現諸如莊奸白奸等等,精彩紛呈同時也讓人啼笑皆非。不過這有什麼不可能的呢?一個昨天還戴上民族英雄的光環,可就在轉眼間又成了 身殘加腦殘,這就是英勇保護奧運火炬的殘疾運動員金晶的遭遇,假設這樣的純潔的女孩都能成為很多人齊聲討伐的所謂漢奸,那離全民皆 那一天並不遙遠。

其實,我並不關心其回國之後加諸於其身的各種各樣的光環,但很擔心如果她手中的火炬被奪走,結果會怎樣?這不可想像。搶 火炬的歹徒看到金晶身體上的劣勢,便以為有機可乘,但萬萬沒想到她是如此剛強之人,終究不能得逞。我可不可以做個很不恰當的假設,萬一員警制止不夠及時, 火炬到了歹徒的手裏,國內的人們會如何對待她,肯定不會讓他好過,會被罵的狗血淋頭。金晶一方面保護了火炬,另一方面又保護了她自己以免受到各種攻擊。但 另外一個女孩可能沒有如此幸運,假如不在美國申請政治避難的話,結果難以想像。

一個年僅二十一歲的杜克大學的中國女留學生王千源現在已然 站在爭論的風頭浪尖,她的照片出現在國內的大小論壇上,額頭被打上漢奸賣國賊的標志;她被無良的媒體CCTV稱為最醜陋的留學生;她被國內的很 大部分人士聲討,甚至有人揚言要全球通緝並追殺她;她的父母所有的資訊全部被人公開,為人恐嚇。王千源到底是一種事件,還是一種現象,這很難說。但我很佩 服她的勇氣,更佩服她如此年輕的年紀有如此的想法,能有這樣的政治理念在中國恐怕無第二人,能想到別人不敢想的事情,這就是她難能可貴之處,至少比平庸的 28歲的廳級幹部張輝更有政治才華。就中國整個民族的個性和這個國家機器的特質來講,她也明白自己的舉動會給她帶來什麼樣的後果,肯定會受到國內民眾最猛 烈的攻擊和國家機器慘無人道的抨擊。

愛國主義的病毒散開時,很多人完全失去了方向,任其發展。人們對她的咒罵的火力遠遠超過了民國 時期對汪精衛的批判,誠然她沒有出賣國家半點利益,只是發表個人的見解。有一種非常愚蠢的觀點說,王千源的所為是為了投入美國懷抱、拿美國綠卡,可是多數 人不知道杜克大學在全美綜合性大學排名前十左右,出自這樣的名校想留在美國工作拿到綠卡根本沒有問題。她何苦與13億人民為敵(自己又一次被別人代表 了),然後拿綠卡,這是多麼得不償失。西藏的問題困擾中國半個世紀,而官方總是按自己的套路一成不變,王千源所提出的將西藏和香港等同的地位的設想未嘗不 是一個好辦法。

我覺得必要立即建一座文革的歷史博物館,讓我們和子孫好好反思一下自己的言論和行為,好不再犯錯誤。當我們在使用那些讓人 心驚肉跳的詞語如一小撮別有用心反華勢力”……等等之類那個時代泛濫的用語時可以在這個博物館裏邊認真反省一下,是不是會使我們的面目變得 醜陋。把歷史當作一面鏡子,在它面前不斷地反思,我們會知道自己的善惡美醜,就會注意自己的言行,讓自己更文明一些。也許是因為我們沒有這樣的一個博物 館,或是因為官方根本沒有認真地反思,導致在宣傳的手段還停留在上個世紀六、七十年代。一個國家的宣傳機器瘋狂地啟動,想要把這個良善的女孩置於死地,我 不禁毛骨悚然。

事實上,在中國的歷史上,真正做漢奸的人很少,在整個中國歷史所占的比例微乎其微,原因是很少人不愛自己的祖國,倒是 被整成漢奸的人不計其數,看看文革的歷史。在吃愛國主義飯的這條道路上,人來人往,絡繹不絕(和菜頭語)。被釘在歷史恥辱柱的漢奸都是出自統治集團並 與國家的利益有直接的關系,如汪精衛,常人很難有機會得到漢奸的機會,因為普通民眾根本不可能將最根本的利益出賣,就是汪精衛平時也大談特談愛國主義 的大道理。誰是真正的漢奸,點擊這個鏈接也許可以有所收獲。

CNN 的主持人卡蒂夫形容五十年來的中國人都是暴民和呆子,顯然是不能讓中國人接受的,後來CNN又說他說的暴民和呆子是指中國政府而不是中國人民,加 上看到國內網民的表現,我部分原諒了他。如果政府不是暴民和呆子,那如何有那麼多人不問青紅皂白要追殺王千源並威脅其父母的生命安全,也許很多人並不 知道王千源到底說了什麼,做了什麼。那些聲討、攻擊的言語十分殘暴、不堪入目,那些人一下子把自己的原始的本性暴露出來。居然有一幫人為達到打擊的目的可 以不折手段,炮製了所謂的其父的道歉信,甚至有人還去他父母的家門前扣屎盆子,這是君子所為嗎?如果這不算是暴民所為,我很難將其行為和有良好教養的 人士聯系在一起。

僅只防禦官府的暴虐還不夠;對於得勢輿論和得勢感想的暴虐,對於社會要借行政處罰 以外的辦法來把它自己的觀念和行事當作行為準則來強加於所見不同的人,以束縛任何與它的方式不相協調的個性的發展,甚至,假如可能的話,阻止這種個性的形 成,從而迫使一切人物都按照它自己的模型來裁剪他們自己的這種趨勢——對於這些,也都需要加以防禦。P5

·密爾在其偉大的政論著作《論自由》中做過這樣的論述。王千源這樣的一個弱女子,對有十幾億人口的中國來說,猶如滄海之一粟,明顯處於弱勢。國內普遍的 觀點認為她是個漢奸,而鮮有支持的聲音,對於這樣得勢輿論和得勢感想,再有千百個王千源也抵不過眾口鑠金。當年批鬥劉少奇、彭德懷的時候,也是如此, 眾多無知的民眾導致了各種各樣的悲劇。我不太明白平日裏一些善良的民眾為何會在這種情況下變得如此狂躁,面目猙獰,暴戾不次於市井的狂徒,仿佛與王同學有 不共戴天之仇,非得把她抽筋扒皮、碎屍萬段不可。多數人喜歡見到這種暴虐施加於其他人,而絲毫沒有考慮假設這樣的暴虐有天可能施加於自己身上。這種現象不 僅反映在漢族中少數人處於語言弱勢的人群受到來自無數鷙鷹的攻擊,從另一方面說,少數民族也面臨著面對多數漢人面前很難發出自己的聲音的窘境。

史是面鏡子,將來我們的後代看我們的時候,定會認為我們這時代的人們是多麼愚蠢可笑以及反動。對于很多同胞,假如王羲之、張旭、柳公權等大書法家能夠重生 的話,真應該讓他們用行書、草書、魏碑等奮力給你們寫個非常漂亮的、碩大的,然後貼在自己身上不舍丟棄並將它傳給子孫。仔細琢磨,你會知道我所說的 意思吧。


Back to Our Motherland, Chinese Canadians!

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What's your attitude when you heard of that some immigrants will abandon the citizenship of your native country, and burn or tear the passports or something which indicates the relation to the nation of them? Do you think they are disloyal to your country? Bill, you are from Canada, and the following story which I will tell has relation with your country, so I hope you can make a reply after you read this post.

I came across a website today, which called for the Chinese Canadians to destroy everything they got when swore under the Canadian flag: “I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors . The organizer who registered the domain backtoourmotherland.com (independent IP, by someone who called Peter Lee) and developed the web page campaigned that the Canadian Chinese should collectively give up the Canadian citizenship. It writes in the campaign the Canada government always implement the policy which is hostile to Chinese government in the name of human rights. The Prime Minister Mr. Harper met with Dalai Lama and supported independency of Tibet, and now refuses to present the Olympic ceremony which represents the peace of world. The CBC which represents the leading media and social opinions takes the advantage of Olympic Torch relay to smear their deeply loved motherland, the People's Republic of China. As the descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang, they can no longer tolerate it. Therefore, they will set up a Action Committee for Coming Back to Motherland responsible for calling on the Chinese to abandon the Canadian citizenship and permanent habitatio. The red characters say (click the picture to see more clear snapshot or the link above to see the original page):

We are angry, because we deeply love the land where we were raised;

We protest, because we can no longer tolerate the vicious slander and vilification;

We act, because we want to show the dignity and courage of descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang to the whole world!

Come on! Give up your Canadian citizenship and tear the green cards.

Come on! Go back to the embrace of our motherland!

It's quite nonsense. Does Canada invade China, or treat badly towards Chinese? If Chinese can get a better life in China and enjoy the freedom there, why should they give up their life there. Moreover, they have sworn to be faithful and bear true allegiance to the nation where they live in. I have seen many strange phenomena happened on the oversea Chinese, they possess the Green Cards of the nations where they live, but hold Chinese flag and sing Chinese national anthem; some are overreacted when the foreign media criticize Chinese government. If you own dual citizenship, it's forgivable. However, the Communist Party doesn't recognize dual citizenship. This reaction doesn't show loyalty to immigrated nation. Is there a word in the dictionary of Chinese moral life called "disloyalty"?  I don't agree. Honest and loyalty are still the main values in Chinese life. To my fellow Chinese who support this action, please try to replace China with Canada and vice versa, what's your feeling? If some people immigrate from Canada and get the passports of China, but they tear the passports, ID cards, etc., do you think they are loyal to our country?

Compared with the people who live in China, they can get more information than those in China. What about the human rights and progress of democracy, they know better. The most important is that they learn about what is the need to Chinese society. They don't need to defend for what the Chinese government have done, especially on the issues of human rights. But China is still a poor country, only quite a few families can afford the expensive cost of study and living in the developed foreign countries such as U.S and Canada. A majority of people who can get access to these countries are in close relation with the privileged class; they are sons and daughters of high officials and rich entrepreneurs, if they go back to China, they can still have quite good life and step into the queue high officials  with the resources of their parents. There was a guy told a story: a guy went to New Zealand and robbed there, finally was deported; after he came back to China, the guy could still earned a post in a large state-owned company due to his parents' energy. They tend to protect their interests rather than the patriotism sentiment towards their motherland. There are few real patriots, after all a majority of Chinese have received so called "wolf milk" education, which makes many people take nationalism equal to patriotism.

The patriots, welcome to come back, but please consider carefully before you loss freedom again. Actually, our nation needs such kinds of people who master the advanced technology, knowledge and new concepts which are helpful to China , but I also hope the ruling party will give them more freedom.

PS: Modified on April 26

There are two interesting posts from Black and White Cat and Mutant Palm, you can also visit  Hecaitou and Lian Yue.













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1936年柏林奧運會, 1945年希特勒自殺; 1980年莫斯科奧運會,1991年蘇聯解體; 2008年天朝奧運會……


In 1945, 9 years after Berlin Olympics, Nazi era ended. In 1991, 11 years after Moscow Olympics, Soviet Union collapsed. So... In 2018...



On notice board, China Edition, April

I created an "on notice board" from www.shipbrook.com to brief the hottest topics among Chinese people. I love comedy center and Stephen Colbert, particularly the South Park.

1. Tibetan riot: the incident happened in the roof of the world had attracted so many attentions all over the world. But it's a difficult issue to be discussed on by Chinese.

2. Beijing Olympics: though many leaders of the world tend to refuse to attend the ceremony of Olympics games and so many people boycott, I still look forward to watching these games will be launched smoothly to see how a communism China shows off its achievements of socialism.

3. Torch relay: it had met some "little" problems. The forever right party couldn't understand why so many people oppose it, so the party still keep carrying forward the spirits of forever right and likely represents the people of the whole world to define the protest illegal and offense to the feelings to the whole world. I was unintelligibly represented even if I didn't express the feelings. The party is angry and the consequence will be serious. Don't protest and shut up your fucking mouths.

4. Democracy: democracy is a good thing, a scholar of the system wrote. However, the distance to democracy is yet so far to reach. They argued that China is implementing socialism "democracy", which has Chinese characteristics and there never been such democratic system. Democracy in the United States is not real democracy, and that in Japan hybridized Taiwan either, only China is authentic.

5. Inflation: the CPI index is growing like mushroom, and prices of all goods are rising, but the salary still keeps such stable like diamond which is the most stable substance in the world. CCTV is still that CCTV. The son of bitch TV said inflation had no influences on people's life and everyone could tolerate. It's thousands of kilometers away from CCTV, or I will use the bandage to close the damn mouths.

6. Stock disaster: the stock indexes fell to the newest low. 18,000-30,000 billion Yuan of money has evaporated. The rainy season is making so many people upset. The stock investors are crying and tears like the rain.

7. Information control: the information control made unhappy between me and a friend of mine. He believed in the propaganda, but I didn't. The information control has made me lost friendship, so I cried for the pitiful China, a nation deeply harmed by lies. The authorities always lie to me, and this time I did't make preparation to accept what the government said.

8. Nationalism: I don't like nationalism, which makes people ugly. But some other people like it as if it is the best wine in the world. They collectively attacked Mr. Chang Ping from Southern newspapers, saying he was a traitor. Will the Culture Revolution come again, I hope not.

Down of the Former Party Boss

via the New York Times

The former Communist Party boss of Shanghai, Chen Liangyu, was sentenced Friday to 18 years in prison for taking bribes and abusing power.

The guy in the center is Mr. Chen Liangyu, who is one of the criminals in Shanghai pension scandal. The pension scandal involved billions of money which must be used for welfare, healthcare, etc. for the people living in Shanghai. Down of Mr. Chen is the result of inner party struggle, i.e. group of current president Mr. Hu Jintao and former president Mr. Jiang Zemin. Actually, after Mr. Jiang quitted from the high post in the army and party, the officials of Shanghai were fully stroked by the anti-corruption storm initiated by Beijing.

China is quite an interesting country that an powerful corrupt high official who eroded the fund for thousands of million was only sentenced for 18 years in prison, but a guy called Xu Ting , the "ATM thief" pocketing 175,000 Yuan (24,400 U.S. dollars) from a faulty ATM was sentenced life imprisonment in first instance. The law likes flexible scale depending on the status of the objectives, and the "justice of law" only applied to the ordinary people who have no power.

We never forget the white-headed Mr. Chen standing on the dock. Good bye, Mr. Chen, party is over and see you in 18 years.



布什總統說:“人類千百年的歷史,最珍貴的不是令人炫目的科技,不是浩瀚的大師們的經典著作,不是政客們天花亂墜的演講,而是實現了對統治者的馴服,實現了把他們關在籠子裏的夢想。因為只有馴服了他們,把他們關起來,才不會害人。我現在就是站在籠子裏向你們講話。” via this link




轉自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5399724801009ad7.html (原文附視頻)













Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire有這麼一個惡霸,家裏養了一條體型龐大的惡狗。這條狗對主人是千依百順,言聽計從,絲毫不敢違背主人的意思,主人說怎麼樣就怎麼樣。在這條狗的眼裏,主人就是完美的化身,沒有任何缺點,要是有的話,也是別人的錯誤。甚至是主人說過屎是香的,它也認為是香的,後來養成了一種怪癖就是在抽水馬桶裏撈主人屙的大便,然後舔個幹凈,主人的屎對它來說最棒的。吃屎是狗的本性,因而它被也叫做「糞青」。






King of Mean

There was a time an awful guy, who worked for a local government, told me that the civil servants are elites, and also the party (hereafter party only refers to the CCP) members. He only worked there for several months, I was so surprised that a complex of superiority generated in him in such a short duration, so that he would think that the civil servants he met with are distinct from the general people. He was quite proud, and I would have been quite angry, but didn’t. Actually, I could read from his face that ordinary people are rubbish and to be a civil servant is the only way out to be superior to others.

I dislike CCP rather than the civil servants. The focus of argument between us wasn't whether the servants are elites. Although he insisted that the servants and party members are elites, but he couldn't explain why so many elites would make stupid mistakes, such as corruption, which is the No.1 headache of the system. I reminded him that it was always elite ruling along the Chinese history, in all dynasty no matter ruled by Han Chinese or foreign races (now called minority). Why there always a dynasty replaced by another and revolved. Take the Qing dynasty for example, which is most prosperous kingdom for ever. Qing dynasty which lasted almost 300 years, was one of the longest dynasties in Chinese history. But it fell into decline when it entered into the late stage, I think no one will deny that the ruling clique gathered a bunch of elites, such as Li Hongzhang who is rich in Chinese traditional theories on ruling and national wealth management, but when we mention him, he is remembered as a representative who signed humiliated treaties with western countries and the person who sold Taiwan to Japan. Zheng Guofan who was one of the people influenced the progress of Chinese the most, is another good example. Although he could defeat the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and his letters to his family members are taken by the Chinese after him as the textbook for family education. But both of them were unable to save Qing dynasty, finally overthrown by KMT, which in turns was overthrown by the CCP. Actually, when a bureaucratic system has developed to an incurable degree, without any motivation to make progress and reform, the system would act as the shied to protect the estate of vested interests, so the elites will try to become the vested interests to maximize their interests. Serious corruption occurred, the officials only allocated the positions in government for their relatives so that efficiency was lowered down and the people complained, in turns the ruling estate would try to suffocate the voices from the people and blind them in order to maintain the status, no matter what means used. The tension between general people and the government became greater and greater; and the only final result was that either the social movement was crackdown or the older system was discarded and a new one was established. Why Qing dynasty would have lost their control, the most important reason is that, the system was so complex with many defects that everyone could exploit the advantage to make fortune and interests for him, and then became decay within itself. This kind of ruling is only despotism of talents, which is so old that no longer suitable for Chinese society. Every Chinese must learn from our history to prevent this history from happening again. However, the People's Republic has followed the old track of Qing dynasty. Despotism, corruption, large gap between rich and poor, trampling on human rights, etc. are such similar to those occurred in that dynasty. Except that, the ruling party untimely insists on one party ruling and unwisely makes it as the enemy of democracy, which will give anyone a reason or excuse to challenge itself, like an ostrich buries its head in the sand but exposes its ass outside as an apparent target to be attacked. Because anti-freedom, anti-democracy is obviously beyond the universal value and moral principle, anyone can use liberality as the weapon against it. They use the reason that western democracy is inapplicable in China to refuse democracy reform. The Empress Cixi and hot-tempered warlord Yuan Shikai also said that and repeated by CCP more than millions of times. The history is impartial to Cixi's empire and Yuan Shikai's restored dynasty; both of them were overthrown by the people. Therefore, I have said that the CCP will repeat the history again if no political reforms. Currently, almost all the nations surrounding China are implementing democratic system, including two small poor countries Nepal and Bhutan. I cheer that we have been surrounded by democracies except North Korea, the east hell. And how do you predict this nation, will it become the next democracy?

There is an anther question. Are the civil servants elites, even the party members? It's undeniable that most of the civil servants or party members are well educated. However, the system only opens the door to those people who take Marxism theories for granted, or obsessed with Communism, or have illusion on Communist Party, etc. Therefore, nearly all of the civil servants should have one kind of thoughts. This kind of people who show foolish loyalty to the party are always seen as brainwashed by outside world. Actually, I'm always astonished by them because of that they can't even tolerate someone who talks democracy and freedom in front of them; the reason is not that they are one track minded but greatly influenced by educational system. Maybe they are the products result from shortage of information. They can't get access to the information and unwilling to receive the information from outside world. They think what they see and do is always right and reasonable, other people don't have the rights to criticize. Intensive communism education which begins from kindergarten to life long have make them unable to receive the concepts of liberty and democracy, on the other hand, the government make them blind and deaf by information control. Communist Party would like to mislead them to connect chaos which may happen in democratic election process with democracy. The mouthpiece of the party CCTV has acted as the tool to smear democracy of Taiwan, forcefully regarding democracy as equal to chaos. After this time Presidency election in Taiwan, the CCP couldn't blame any more because Taiwanese have been rational and democracy has become mature. Quite a lot of people in this continent cheered for that event, I could even feel that the huge monster trembled all night long in front of the triumph of democracy. Never overlook the insidious CCP. It couldn't find any problem on democracy, but they could use the incident of Tibetan riot as the shield by demonstrating why there needed harsh hands on Tibet. The CCP still has powerful ability to take the advantages of ignorant people, six decades ago the scoundrel Mao Zedong manipulated the illiterate peasants to undermine the fragile base of this country, making the generation of my father CCP got the destiny of driving cows and locked themselves on the farmlands; today their sons also used the people who don't know the real face of it to defense democracy and human rights. Take the unrest in Tibet as an example. After the incident, the anti-cnn.com was quickly established and flames of nationalism also flared up. It seemed millions of people condemned the western media only to show the so called patriotism, but few people would have considered what was responsibility of the government and the influences of information control. Do we really know the Tibetan and their life? Most Han Chinese don't. However, they criticized the "false reports" of western media as if they really knew the truths and understand Tibetans. Ironically, they couldn't mistakes of western media but tolerate trampling on human rights. Finally, they reached a consensus that the western media must take responsible for unrest in east Tibet. The western media can lead a despotism country to a democracy, but they must learn lessons from that information battle with CCP -- no winning records. It's pity for the people who love liberty and democracy in the world.

For the civil servants, from the aspect of some positions of their job, I think there is no difficulty to deal with the job so that everyone can fulfill the job provided that he/her is normal human. I saw many civil servants who have nothing to do, other than just arrive at the working place on time, read the newspaper and drink tea in office and leave the office on time. The job is suit for those people who want idle or stable life rather than in competing environment, such as in business companies. Various reports about how uncorrupted the government officials and what the achievements they have made can be seen on all kinds of media, but I saw above 95% of officials are greedy and incompetent. The authenticity of state own media is always doubted; there is a saying "don't be too CCTV", meaning a person must not be such hypocritical like CCTV, the mouthpiece of Communist Party, which always tell lies. There is also an anther saying: nothing is true but only the right 7 o'clock timekeeping on the program of Xinwen Lianbo (News Broadcast). So when it says an official is uncorrupted, don't believe it. Despite nearly all of Chinese media have lost the basic news moral, I recommend you to read Southern Weekend (南方周末). Nankai alumni, great historian Ray Huang once said in 1587: A Year of No Significance: for the people born in poor family, to become an official in the governmental organization is a shortcut to be rich (note: back translation, needs confirmation). It's well said in The Dictatorship of Talent: "But you decide to enter government service, which is less risky and gives you chances to get rich (under the table) and serve the nation". Instead of that the officials always allege they will serve the people, they actually think the political prospect will bring them fortune, even though they know maybe one day they will also sentenced like Chen Liangyu, the former secretary of CCP in Shanghai, they will like to have a try. This tide is in accordance with description of capitalist on profits of Marxism theory. The profit margin sometimes can be higher than thousands of 100%, so it can explain why there are so many people striving for the selection test of civil servants. It's quite a gorgeous scenery like an army trying to pass a single-wood bridge, but only those people whose relatives work in the government can get the stepping stone to the top of power in district, even in the nationwide. But ordinary people themselves seldom had a chance. In some extent, the governmental system can be compared to a man got Parkinson’s disease which makes him endless tremble if trembling of his body is initialed. In our empire, the taxpayers had to tighten their belt to dozens of millions of civil servants. If someone can offer convenience to his relative, why cant others. So when more and more their relatives and friends participate into the system only make the efficiency lower, and finally paralyze.

I can tell you a story about how a son of peasant climes up the tower of power and what elite has done. I was born in a poor town in landlocked area of Fujian province, where the mayor and head of local CCP committee like wine, money and beautiful women. It's quite difficult for a son of peasant to possess governmental power. In general, if someone has the chance to get a good education, the first thing he/she must do is to get rid of poverty through technical skills or knowledge rather than serve the government. The reason is simple, i.e. we don't have relatives in the government. But there was a guy successfully done this. His home is only miles away from mine. Every year when I come back to my hometown, his stories must be repeated so many times that I feel bored. I still remember that almost ten years ago when I was a high school student, one day a huge piece of red paper with black characters was pasted on the wall which along the main passage of the school. It was a letter of acknowledgements could be seen when everyone went past the wall. He said he must express appreciations to his former teachers and leaders of the school, without them he couldn't have made such achievements. Later, this guy became the hot topic among the students and teachers. Meanwhile, rumors spread; someone said he have entered the central government, while others said his girl friend was one of daughters of Hu Jintao. But most people accepted that he met the vice-president of his university who was his fellow-townsman. The guy is smart, can quickly learn what the vice president wanted, if the air conditioner in vice-president's home was broken, he would buy him a new one, and ……Shortly, this guy could fulfill any need of the vice-president. The vice-president also knew what he had done as the returns. He made the guy won the president of the student association in that school and recommended to the leaders of that province. With the powerful support, he then became the vice-president of National Student Association and entered the central committee of Chinese Communist Youth League smoothly; at that year, he was no more than 26 years old. Since then, all the fathers told their children that after they enter the university, they must be smart enough like him. I never saw this guy. Every time when became back to hometown, the municipal government would assign someone to pick him up in Xiamen airport. Now he is a high official, distinct from our grassroots.

I tell this story is to tell you two truths. First, for many people, the road to government is paved with money. We can't see the secret transaction behind the scene. Second, hierarchy is still the central value to the Chinese elites and China is still a bureaucrat society. In the story told above, the guy is undeniable a talent, because he could enter an elite university. But after he became elite, you would never see a modest countryside boy walking on the narrow street of the small town with fellow-townsman as before. Now he has moved into a big house and drives the car which symbolizes his status wherever he goes. Maybe he doesn't want to be such well treated by the officials in the municipal government when he comes back, but the society is obsessed with formalism, the official must do this and he can't deny it. It's a dual dilemma, if the officials don't pick him up in Xiamen airport with Audi, it seems they don't respect their superior; if the guy denies, it seem he is hypocritical so that offends the official. Relation is of No.1 importance in Chinese society. Can you image when President Hu Jintao comes back to his hometown in Anhui province, how the officials spend the taxpayers' money to curry favor with the man on the top of power?

There is huge divide between elites and the general people, which seriously threatens the stability of society. The elites are too proud to have a look onto the people. Their heads always face up. China is the largest continent that doesn't realize democracy in the world. The communism elites have hindered the social development of China. In fact, though the CCP is a giant and powerful, but it doesn't earn good reputation. I once heard a civil servant said reason he served the government, "everyone hates the CCP and I also can't agree with what the party has done, but it pay me the salary without delay, it's enough". In addition, in the team of CCP, there is a great proportion of people basically lack of ideas of equality, liberty and democracy.

Ok, I finally realize that the CCP is the king of mean. Don't show off your talent in front of me, elites. Please show your respect to the ordinary people.



工作累的話,不如看下這張圖緩解一下順便當作練眼力,看看畫紅圈的地方是什么,知道的話別說出來。 不過,我得向有關部門反映一下,盾牌的質量太差了,不知道某些人吃了多少回扣。要是我們的子弟兵拿這樣的盾牌上戰場,結果會怎樣?








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