針對這一事件,斯皮爾伯格的是非任由眾人評價。但是能不能換位思考一下,假設我們的國寶級導演張藝謀先生被邀請成為某個國家的奧運會藝術顧問,而該國對發生在第三個國家的屠殺負有責任,出於人道主義的考慮,你覺得這個張藝謀先生是不是要退出這屆奧運會的相關事務,以求自己的良心得到解脫。沒有幾個人可以坐得住的,我相信張藝謀先生也會做同樣的選擇。斯皮爾伯格先生是猶太人,正是猶太人更清楚屠殺的血腥和殘酷,因為在二戰期間不計其數的猶太人死在納粹的集中營中,是猶太人刻骨銘心的記憶。試問,作為一個猶太人,斯皮爾伯格先生怎能忘記這段歷史,他怎能對發生在非洲大地的屠殺無動於衷呢?他的這種舉動是件很正常的事件,我覺得沒有什麼理由連他在電影方面的造詣都全盤否定,還是節省一些口水吧。對于他的個人決定,我们应该尊重這個藝術家的选择。 |
FEBRUARY 12, 2008
After careful consideration, I have decided to formally announce the end of my involvement as one of the overseas artistic advisors to the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games.
In anticipation that this day might one day come, I left unsigned the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games contract presented to me nearly a year ago. Since that time, I have made repeated efforts to encourage the Chinese government to use its unique influence to bring safety and stability to the Darfur region of Sudan. Although some progress has been made along the way, most notably, the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769, the situation in Darfur continues to worsen and the violence continues to accelerate.
With this in mind, I find that my conscience will not allow me to continue with business as usual. At this point, my time and energy must be spent not on Olympic ceremonies, but on doing all I can to help bring an end to the unspeakable crimes against humanity that continue to be committed in Darfur. Sudan's government bares the bulk of the responsibility for these on-going crimes but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more to end the continuing human suffering there. China's economic, military and diplomatic ties to the government of Sudan continue to provide it with the opportunity and obligation to press for change. The situation has never been more precarious – and while China's representatives have conveyed to me that they are working to end the terrible tragedy in Darfur, the grim realities of the suffering continue unabated.
This has been a very difficult decision for me, as I have cherished the relationships with my Chinese counterparts, in particular, the noted director Zhang Yimou, who is a close personal friend. I have learned a great deal from working with him and all the other creative artists along the way. There is little that is more rewarding than to collaborate with those who bring vision and imagination to a challenging artistic task. And I greatly appreciated the spirit in which we worked together - a spirit that embodied genuine friendship and respect.
For me, the Olympic Games represent an ideal of brotherhood designed to bridge cultural and political divides. I am committed to building bridges between peoples and I saw, and continue to see, the Beijing Games as an opportunity to help ease some of the tensions in the world.
China has much to offer the world and I have no doubt that its international contributions will grow in the years ahead. With growing influence, however, also comes growing responsibilities. As China welcomes the world to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games, I hope to be among those in attendance; and it is also my great hope that, with renewed and intensified efforts from China, there will be peace and security in Darfur at last.