

已經不間斷地工作將近3周的時間,現在終於有休息的時間了,感覺輕松了許多。手頭上有個非常龐大的項目,從接手起,在最近的幾天每天都工作超過12個小時。整天坐在電腦面前,兩手做機械運動,眼睛一直盯著螢幕看,可以感覺到面部神經慢慢麻痹。好在這樣的日子終於熬了過來,可是當我看到自己翻譯的檔被一 個英文系畢業的同事改得面目全非,心情就黯淡了許多,甚至在智商上被嘲弄了。setsetting本來我是譯成設定和設置的,結果通篇被改成了設置, set the category翻譯為設置類別,setting category也是設置類別,根本就無從區別。通篇下來,一路設置到底,好幾百處,讀起來味同嚼蠟,至少要區分一下吧,也要換一換口味吧。還有 reference,在數學上、物理上就是參照、參照系的意思,結果改成了參考。“determine the distance between……”裏邊的“determine”根本就是測定的意思,結果她卻改成了確定,幾乎和我爭論了半天。數據或圖像中的噪聲(noise噪點(noise),結果在她那邊變成了噪音,顯然不符合習慣。太多了,當我看到自己的稿件被這樣糟蹋的時候,心裏在滴血,一個文科出生的人,校對我的翻譯時居然這麼強勢,簡直在摧殘我的自信。結果,我還得一個一個改回來,弄得我身心俱疲。不想說我同事什麼,做什麼事情大可靈活一些,要懂得尊重他人的意見,不過我現在意見不敢再看這個項目的檔了,沒有心情面對。不想這些煩心的事,準備逃離公司好好休息一兩天。

在這期間,時間變得十分緊張,甚至曾經認識的一個緬甸人要和我網上聊天,我也只能答應他十幾分鐘的時間。結果,我還被放了鴿子,說好星期一下午五點半通話,可是過了五點半,沒有看到他上線,開始以為他說的是緬甸時間530,到後來將近七點,還是沒有他的身影,我索性就關掉電腦。我知道那頭肯定出現了問題,他在今天給 我的郵件裏說,In my country inter net connection is down two days ago。緬甸那邊網路不行,本來我也沒有抱很大的希望,不出點意外才叫不正常的呢。幸慶自己不是生活在那樣的軍政府統治的國家,不過這種感覺好像是五十步笑一百步,在我們的國家也沒有多大的自由可言。也就在此期間,我幾乎是銷聲匿跡了,blog許久沒有更新,twitter上也很少發言,但並不表示我對外面的世界一無所知。按照王小峰的說法,兩肺在北京召開了,又是一次勞民傷財的盛會,有人說兩肺是有一次春晚。有人曾經出過這麼一個謎語:中央電視臺春節聯歡晚會(打一電影名稱),謎底是無極(無聊之極)。所以可見這個兩肺有多麼的無聊,當我看到雙葉blog上摘錄的那些所謂的有才的提案和言論,我明白了無聊其實有個兄弟叫著愚蠢。有些人語不驚人死不休的,一定要讓人因他們的言論對他們刮目相看的,對毛新宇這樣的蠢貨,我只能對他豎起中指,然后心里暗罵一句,“Fuck You!”。我已經不再愿對 GCD 表示憤怒,只能對其的低下表示遺憾和嘲弄。不過,這一條我很喜歡宋祖英等聯名提議:小學應增加繁體字教育實際上,寫繁體我沒有太大的問題,日常用的文字我都能寫。

言歸正傳,這里有一篇文章,是我在這一段時間之前翻譯的,通過新春秋的一篇post「網言不入罪,但會被開除」上了解到的。這篇貼子講的是一位媒體從業人員因開博而被老板炒魷魚,這家公司不是別人,而是全球有名的媒體、美國主流新聞頻道 CNN,而被解雇的人是《早安美國》的制作人 Chez Pazienza,相關的報道可以看這里留下的紐約時報的鏈接網址。我和新春秋一樣,感到很意外的是這樣的事件不是發生在網絡審查的中國,而是標榜言論自由的美國。也許在中國一個人因為其政治觀點或是其他不符合足以主宰其去留命運的人士的觀點,被開除這是很正常的事件,不難解釋為什么中國為什有那么多的 blog 被封,封博是件司空見慣的事情,在中國沒有什么大驚小怪的。而在美國,這樣一個倡導民主和自由理念的國家,言論自由被寫進憲法的第一修正案,發生這樣的事件,我感覺非常詫異也感到有諷刺意味。新春秋轉載了林瑞谷(Erik Ringmar)教授寫的一篇隨筆,我饒有興致把它翻譯出來,只是沒有時間把它發表在自己的 blog 中,一直拖了兩周。由于語言的關系,也許很多國內的 blogger 不太清楚發生這樣的事情,到現在為止,事情已經過了一個月的時間。我很想去討論言論自由的限度和 blogger 如何保護自己。

Erik 的分析有一定的道理,他歸結兩點:一、老板的虛榮,因為他們的權威不喜歡被別人挑戰;二、出于對經濟利益的考慮。前者有一定的成分在里頭,老板可以很偽善,一面大談特談言論自由,说什么言论自由是现代社会的支柱;另一方面又悄悄地把自己的員工解雇了。但歸根結底是后者。事實上,在全球五百強的公司對其員工開博客都有很嚴格的限制,主要是當心透露技術細節、股價或收入等等。為達到追求經濟利益的目的,犧牲了員工的言論自由的權利。Erik 甚至 不得不驚呼:

In this way the imperatives of the market reveal themselves to be our last taboo. The bottom line is today the only thing which is beyond criticism. In a democracy you can offend all you like as long as you don't say anything that has an impact on corporate profits. The market has become a threat to freedom. The market is today the only authority that never needs to justify its power over us.



While your right to free speech is protected by the First Amendment, this protection does not shield you from the consequences of what you say. The First Amendment protects speech from being censored by the government; it does not regulate what private parties (such as most employers) do.


老板總是可以以任何理由來解雇員工,而不需要任何解釋的,更糟糕的是,很多勞動保護法律還沒有在博客上嘗試過,博客人想維護自己的權利還有很長的路要走。博客到底給這個世界帶來多大的革命,有一點是不言而喻的,給了草根更多發言的機會,在過去在公眾場所發言只是少數精英的專利。試問,到底多少人能夠有機會在雞巴黨報「人民日報」上發表屬于自己的聲音,僅僅是少數的「精英」能夠做到,老百姓從來就沒有這樣的機會。而博客就徹底改變了這樣的現狀,任何一個人只要能夠連入互聯網,就能在網絡上發表自己的看法并被別人所熟識,而不必通過編輯們的層層審核。在中國的博客圈中,特別是知名的博客人中,這里沒有高官、大資本家、體制內的知識分子,反而多數人的社會和經濟地位都不顯赫,多數人都領一份卑微的薪水,有些甚至弱勢群體,但他們的觀點卻廣為人知,有一群龐大的擁躉者。我們有的是草根,不必再接受來自「精英」的殘羹冷炙。不用再想,我說的草根就是指盯著這里看的你。GCD 認為網絡的「暴民」太多,不利于他們的統治,實際上,網民已經相當的仁慈了,難道真的想逼老百姓去鬧革命嗎?廣開言路才是真義,這場網絡革命是沒有硝煙的戰爭,不見一點血腥。言論自由是把雙刃劍,在陳冠希的艷照門事件背后的網民的表現就是明證。但是中國目前的現狀,還不前進到這樣的地步,擺在網絡活動人士的嚴峻的課題不是防止自己被老板開除,而是如何爭取最大限度的言論空間。在這一點上,我覺得自己是羨慕美國人的,至少不用去考慮最基本的自由。

對于多數的blogger的建議,就像 Erik 和電子前沿基金會所說的那樣,要勇敢一點并懂得保護自己;不是像某個家伙在他的博客首頁說,「珍惜生命 遠離博客」,而自己又拼命的寫。


Guerrilla Bloggers and the Old Elite


Erik Ringmar

Last Tuesday, CNN fired Chez Pazienza, a producer for American Morning, for maintaining a blog. Yes, that's right. CNN, a leading news channel, sacked one of its journalists for exercising his First Amendment rights. Catch the CNN bosses in the daylight and you know what they'll say. "Of course we believe in freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a pillar of modern society."

上週二,美國有線新聞網(CNN)因《早安美國》的製作人Chez Pazienza維護一個blog而將其解雇。是的,沒錯。就是這個主流的新聞頻道CNN,解雇了它的一位正行使憲法第一修正案的權利的記者。如果在光天化日之下遇見美國有線電視新聞網的老闆時,你知道他們會說什麼,當然,我們信仰言論自由,言論自由是現代社會的支柱”。

Yeah, right. There was never such a thing as freedom of speech. In order to speak freely you had to have access to a printing press, a newspaper, a radio or a TV station. And everywhere you had to get past the editors. Only an elite ever did -- the articulate and well-behaved representatives of ordinary people. But ordinary people themselves never had a chance to speak publicly.


Until now. Today the internet revolution -- led by a ragtag army of bloggers -- has given us all a chance to be irreverent, blasphemous and ungrammatical in public. For the first time ever, there are no editorial filters in place. We can all speak freely and to a larger audience than ever before. We can reveal secrets, blow whistles, spill beans, or just make stuff up.

直到現在。今天,由博客組成的下層民眾大軍領導的(ragtag army)互聯網革命給了我們在公眾面前一個非禮,褻瀆和不講文法的機會。這是有史以來第一次,沒有編輯過濾存在。我們都可以暢所欲言,並招徠比以往更多的觀眾。我們可以揭露秘密,揭發,洩露秘密(spill beans),或僅僅是瞎編故事(make stuff up)。

The reactions of the CNN bosses, and other members of the old elite, reveal their hypocrisy. The people who used to control the editorial filters can't accept that their monopoly now is gone. They saw themselves as the custodians of the public sphere, yet their position rested on nothing more than the existence of a particular kind of technology -- printing presses, radio and TV. Now that there is new technology, the nature of the public sphere is changing and their position of power is undermined. "We were always prepared to die for people's right to disagree with us in public, but you are disagreeing in the wrong way. I'm not dying for you."

CNN老 闆們和舊精英的其他成員的反應,揭露了他們的偽善。那些曾經控制編輯過濾不能接受他們的壟斷地位的人們,現在已經不存在了。他們看到了自己作為公共領域的 監護人,但他們的地位取決於莫過於一種特殊類型的科技的存在——印刷媒體、廣播和電視。現在既然有新的技術,公共領域的性質正在發生變化,並且他們的權力 地位受到破壞。“我們隨時準備為公眾意見與我們相左的人民的權利,但您以錯誤的方式表達分歧。我不是為您犧牲”。

Let me give you another example: my old employer, the London School of Economics. I worked there for 12 years, as a professor in the political science department, but I don't work there anymore. I started a blog, you see, -- "Forget the Footnotes" -- where I among other things discussed the LSE's Director ("an anti-intellectual businessman"), its professors ("a varied bunch, some tipplers, some thinkers, some away on permanent research leave") and the students ("great kids, smart, witty, full of loudmouthed confidence").

我給你列舉另一個例子:我的老雇主倫敦經濟學院(London School of Economics)。我作為政治科學系的一名教授在那工作了12年,但我不在那裏工作了。我開過一個博客,就是你看到的——“Forget the Footnotes(忘記腳注)”——在那裏我討論LSE(倫敦經濟學院)的校長(“一個反智商人”),教授(“一大堆各式各樣的人、有些酒鬼、一些思想家、有些因永久性研究休假外出”)和學生(“了不起的孩子們聰明機智充滿信心”)一些不為人知的事情。

Like Chez, I made few friends among my bosses. The head of my department ordered me to "take down and destroy" my blog and to apologize to a whole slew of people. The statements I made were "enormously damaging to myself and to reputation of the School," he insisted. And the LSE's Director himself - Sir Howard Davies -- concurred. "What about academic freedom?" I protested. "What about that long statement on freedom of speech in the School's handbook?" "Well, that's different," I was told. "Surely, you understand."

就像Chez,我和我的老闆們很少成為朋友。系主任命令我“關閉並摧毀”我的博客並向名聲受損的人道歉。他堅持說,我的聲明是“極大地損害了我和學院的聲譽”。與倫敦經濟學院校長——Howard Davies先生也贊同。“什麼是學術自由?”我表示抗議。“在學校的手冊中的有關言論自由的長篇聲明是何物?”“好啦,這是不同的”,有人告訴我。“當然,你明白”。

No, I didn't understand and I didn't listen to the head of my department or to the Director, and I didn't destroy my blog. Instead the student newspaper started writing about me and then the British press. The LSE students gave me strong support. Finally, they collectively agreed, there is a professor who calls things the way we see them. Someone who isn't so freakin' self-important. In a matter of days there were 380 signatures on a Facebook group "In Support of Erik Ringmar" started by one of the students, and emails of support poured in from around the globe.

不,我不明白。我並沒有聽從系主任或校長,並且我沒有摧毀我的博客。相反,學生報紙開始撰寫我的事跡,然後是英國媒體。倫敦經濟學院的學生給我大力支持。最後,他們集體認為,有一名教授使我們看到的事物本來的面目。有人並非如此狂妄自大。在短短幾天內,由其中一名學生發起的“In Support of Erik Ringmar(支持Erik Ringmar)”的Facebook小組就得到了380個簽名,而且來自世界各地支持的電子郵件湧進來。

Why does a leading news channel, and a university famous for its defense of liberal values, start censoring people who use their right to free speech? Partly it's surely vanity. Bosses everywhere hate to have their authority undermined and they hate to be made fun of. They resent the fact that their underlings now have independent means of communicating with each other and with the world.


But more than anything censorship is driven by a concern for profits. All over the net people are reprimanded, terrorized and sacked for the potential impact our words can have on share-prices, sales figures and quarterly earnings. An undergrad education in Britain used to be free, but in the year I started blogging (2006) a three thousand pound yearly student fee was about to be introduced for the first time. Clearly my LSE bosses were afraid that my freewheeling blogging style was going to be detrimental to student recruitment.


In this way the imperatives of the market reveal themselves to be our last taboo. The bottom line is today the only thing which is beyond criticism. In a democracy you can offend all you like as long as you don't say anything that has an impact on corporate profits. The market has become a threat to freedom. The market is today the only authority that never needs to justify its power over us.


We expected this kind of treatment from repressive regimes. But repressive regimes are the easy cases. Repressive regimes make no secret of their secretiveness and their repression. Democracies are supposed to be different, but in practice it is not at always clear where the differences lie. Modern liberal society has revealed a face which very few of us previously have seen.


Should we be cowered? Should we back down? Hell no! Let's instead call them on their bluff. Let's remind the members of the establishment of the promises they once made us. Let's insist that our societies live up to the principles they profess to embrace.


Instead of taking down and destroying our blogs we should blog more sneakily, employing well-established guerrilla tactics. We should duck, dive and dodge. Blog dirty, blog anonymously, change items around or claim they never existed; write in code, write in Bahasa Indonesia. Kick your boss once again on the shins, harder this time, and then run like hell. If they come looking for you, hide inconspicuously among ordinary internet users.

與 關閉和摧毀我們的博客相反,我們要更隱匿地發表博客,採取良好的遊擊戰術。我們應該回避,隱蔽和躲閃。用匿名方式發表博客,改變周圍項目或宣稱他們從未存 在;用代碼寫,用印尼語寫。比這次更用力地再次踢你老闆,然後逃之夭夭。如果他們在尋找你,隱藏在普通互聯網用戶中而不引起別人的注意。

Blogging is the best chance we have had in a while to overturn old hierarchies, giving voices to the voiceless and empowering the powerless. Individual blogs will come and go but the internet revolution will continue apace. Working men of all countries, blog! And working women too, and unemployed bastards, CNN journalists, and disgruntled students and angry wives, and everyone else with a grudge, a bean to spill and a story to tell. You have nothing to lose but your gags.

