

昨天從北京烤鴨那裏看到帖子裏邊有個鏈接引起我的注意,點擊這個鏈接,看到的是Black and White Cat寫的一篇貼子Lost in translation: a one-edged double-edged sword,在這篇貼子裏通過對比新華網翻譯美國《基督教箴言報》的一篇報導,讓我見識了什麼叫著誤導民眾。北京烤鴨稱這是heavy-handed censorship 完全不顧原文是怎麼說的,按照官方既定的意思胡亂地翻譯。做翻譯這麼久以來,我不怕沒有單子可以做,就怕客戶回來投訴我的翻譯品質,特別是在工作量特別大 的時候擔心客戶會找上門來,說我那些地方曲解原意,對他造成損失。有種東西叫做職業道德,就是要對客戶忠誠。總不能明明你是男的,我把你翻譯成Female,或者你是Male,把你翻譯成為女,別人還以為你做了變性手術,你肯定會怒火中燒,恨不得把我給掐死。可是現在,如果拿我和新華社的道德底線來衡量一些,你就會發現實際上,我的道德是多麼的高尚,我完全可以安枕無憂。但是,要做個堂堂正正的人,臉皮不能如此的厚。

回到話題上來,一開始新華網的這篇報導就曲解了原文的意思。原文的開頭是“The Beijing authorities are obsessed with the 2008 Olympic Games– which don’t begin until August.”,這是一句很有諷刺意味的話,北京當局早已沉溺於2008年奧運會——這屆奧運會原本是在8月份才開始的,諷刺的意味躍然紙上。如Black and White Cat所說,第一段基本上遵守原文的意思,只是將“The Beijing authorities are obsessed with…”北京現在處處想著2008年奧運會。替換。還有,基督教箴言報的報導標題是“The Olympics in China: a moment for pride – and world scrutiny”,他們翻譯成了《在中國舉辦的奧運會--一個自豪的時刻,也是一個接受審視的時刻》。這樣的翻譯還行,可是最能領會作者意思的翻譯應該是“奧運在中國--一個自豪的時刻,更是一個讓世界反思的時刻”。后者才是文章的重點,但是翻譯的人員故意抹煞后者,制造一種全民盼奧運的假象,絲毫沒有提及其負面影響,這是宣傳機構一貫的作風。正如Black and White Cat所講的那樣,奧運會是把雙刃劍(double-edged sword這把雙刃劍僅有其中一被提到了,而另一被忽略了。

Here is the rest of the article, along with deletions and changes, in which one edge of the “double-edged sword” seems decidedly lacking in sharpness:


Black and White Cat的這篇貼子中可以看到,有劃刪除線的文字是沒有翻譯出來的

Successful Games would be a powerful antidote to the sort of negative press China has been suffering for the past nine months or so, which has drawn attention to poor food quality and other product safety regulations. And whether they are successful or not, the Games have already provided a strong boost to Beijing’s economy.

And when the Games are over, officials are desperately hoping (though they won’t say publicly) that China will have sneaked past the United States to top the gold medal tally. In Athens four years ago, Chinese athletes won 32 golds to America’s 35.



当比赛结束时,官员正竭力希望(尽管他们不会公开说)中国将会在过去金牌榜居于美国次席跃居首位。四年前在雅典,中国运动员夺得32枚金牌,美国夺得35 枚。


Has the prospect of hosting the Games widened political freedoms in China or improved other aspects of life?





Far from heralding a relaxation, the 2008 Games have actually led to increased repression, according to international human rights group Amnesty International. Beijing had promised improvements in its human rights record, but the head of Amnesty’s German chapter said in December that she expected to see “an increase in harassment, detentions, and people placed under house arrest ahead of the Games.”

That is because Beijing officials are anxious to present a facade of harmony to the world and its journalists. The government is expected to try even harder than usual to keep anybody who might disturb that image – protesters against religious repression, Tibetan rights activists, or AIDS patients complaining about inadequate government care – out of sight.

Foreign journalists have been told they will be free to report anything from China, but local reporters are still subject to strict censorship.

Opponents of the Beijing government will undoubtedly use the Olympics, and the presence of 10,000 foreign media personnel, to try to publicize their causes. The Chinese police will undoubtedly try to stop them. Expect cat-and-mouse games outside the sports venues.







首先這個大赦國際(GFW關鍵字)被用一國際機構替換,facade只是表面現象的意思,“facade of harmony”譯為和諧的假像最準確了。


Will the Games be a success?


But if the authorities are good at the hardware, they are not so good at the software, say longtime residents। There are reasons to wonder how well they will handle visitors and the sorts of problems they will pose. This is not a society where ordinary people are encouraged to spontaneously take the initiative to solve a difficulty, which is what Olympic volunteers normally do at the Games to iron out local wrinkles.
Tourists might also suffer from sticker shock: Some hoteliers are planning to increase their room rates by as much as 1,000 percent during the Games. A spokeswoman for the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee (BOCOG) says customers should haggle to avoid "exorbitant" rates.

遊客們可能還會遭遇到貼紙休克(sticker shock,人們看標籤上價錢太貴而大吃一驚的意思 ):部分酒店正計畫在奧運會期間增加他們的房費,由高達百分之一千,在運動會期間。北京奧運會組織委員會(北京奧組委)的一位女發言人說,顧客應討價還價,以避免"過分"的收費。

Perhaps the most worrisome problem Olympic organizers face is air quality। By taking cars off the roads, closing factories, and halting all construction work, the government hopes to improve Beijing's notorious pollution. But IOC officials have said they will consider postponing athletic events if the air is too dirty on competition day. To the Chinese, that would represent a considerable loss of face.


How will China deal with threats of boycotts over issues such as Darfur?


Black and White Cat是個細心的讀者,能夠發現很多不同點,他用僅有單刃的雙刃劍來形容中國政府的媒體監控太恰當不過了。新華網的這篇報道在翻譯的時候可以將奧運會的負面影響省略不翻譯出來,對空氣質量、人權等方面敏感問題更是避而遠之。對官方媒體曲解海外媒體報導、刻意美化GCD的事件並不鮮見,完全可以舉出許多活生生的例子。Isaac說對shizaotwitter上引用人民日報一句話,那些以為奧運會將促使中國按照他們的希望發生變化的人最終必會徒勞和失望——人民日報,大吃一驚。他說,最終必會徒勞和失望頗有窮兇極惡的大字報風格,讓人不由地毛骨悚然。我感到相當的失望,寫這樣的文字的人也是文化層次相當高的人,怎么會說出如此歇斯底里的話,讓人感覺不舒服。這些人真是,“一身都是智慧,就是沒有一點心肝”。

